FRIENDS, television's most successful TV sitcom. A show that redefined comedy. A show that lasted for a decade without showing any weakness. A story about six people from Manhattan as they face the challenges of life and love, with a whole lotta' fun.
A sitcom which started with a low budget in 1994 ended up to be one of the most successful television series ever created. And as the series goes on, fans all over America - and all over the world - fell in love with Ross, Rachel, Monica, Chandler, Phoebe, and Joey.
Why do I love FRIENDS? What so awesome about it?
Casts of FRIENDS, from 'I'll be there for You'
Music Video |
Well, the right question must be 'What is NOT awesome about FRIENDS?' Everything about the show is amazing and awesome and funny. I have seen the entire series more than ten times and seasons 6 and 3 (my favorites) more than... a million. Too many to count. I will never get tired watching these lovable bunch.
So why did I make this post?
FRIENDS is my MOST favorite show. Number 1. Numero uno. So I figured the show has to have a spot here in my blog.
What's my favorite part of the show?
10 years is looong. And the fact that FRIENDS lasted that long without any sign of weakness is unbelievably cool. I love FRIENDS because I was able to see the characters (and the actors) grow and mature. These people face challenges and make decisions that all of us can relate to. The difference is that for them, it is funnier and more exciting.
Favorite couple?
Matthew Perry and Courteney Cox as
Chandler and Monica, respectively |
MONDLER Forever. Monica and Chandler's relationship was very well developed and well written. A drunken "mistake" turned out to be the best mistake of their lives. And the fact that their relationships before their 'hook up' ended drastically and very bad (Monica with Richard, and Chandler with Janice and Kathy) makes the couple more.. sweet. Everytime I watch Seasons 1 - 4 and the two have scenes together, all i keep thinking is "you're gonna be together. you're gonna be together"
I know that many people are all in heels for Ross and Rachel. But Monica and Chandler are just too... cute to disregard. We saw them as single New Yorkers, as a secret couple, as engaged partners, and as a married couple. Just too bad we weren't able to see them as parents of their twins, Erika and Jack.
FRIENDS will remain to be the best show, for me. A lot of series have come and go, but THIS will remain forever in me. This sitcom has continuously made me happy everytime I am sad, or bored, or stressed. So if you haven't seen FRIENDS... you are missing the greatest gift that television has ever given.
Last scene from the show (series finale), Sept 2004 |