On the premiere of the final season of The Office, the show finally did something we never thought a mock-documentary show like this would do... the camera men finally interacted with the casts (well, only with Jim and Pam).
I have entitled this review MOVING FORWARD because this is the episode's main focus are the characters' new ventures in life.
Jim received an offer to work with his friend in Philly (billion dollar project to be exact), thus for him to realize that he can still do a lot of things rather than being stuck in this company for the rest of his life.
The episode was not the best, but it still made me happy - probably because I know that this is the last run of The Office. Take note, I said happy not laugh... there's a difference. However, it quite disappointed me that the whole Is-Dwight-the-father-of-Angela's-baby? arc from last season was shot right through in the cold open. There were not even any precedents, therefore it seemed like the writers randomly decided to end this ridiculous arc. Anyway, through the end, it was shown that Oscar has an "affair"(?) with Angela's husband! Take that for a subplot in a sitcom!

Overall, the episode showcased its typical dry humor that it has been offering since before. It's the beginning of the new season so I expected the introduction of new plots. I just hope that they would get better and this final season of The Office would be at its finest.
PS. I still can't get over how Jim and Pam talked to the camera men. So cool.
The parts of this episode with Jim and Pam are the only things that have me excited about this season at all. I still love them and I can’t wait to see them escape Scranton and move on to something better. I kind of sad don’t get to watch The Office live anymore, since I work late nights at DISH these days, but my Hopper records it for me and I’m able to turn it on as soon as I get home. It’ll be weird to not have this show on every week anymore, but it’s definitely time for it to end.