Bang, bang, bang.
The Walking Dead's season opener surely, well, opened with a lot of bang.
The cold open set up the tone of the episode, and of the series - it was dark, fast paced, creepy, and downright outrageous.
Also, the third season premiere of AMC's The Walking Dead did a time jump which was really obvious in Carl's hair and Lori's belly. Another surprising and refreshing thing in this episode is all of the characters - even Carol - know how to use guns and kill zombies. They're not backing down, and as a team, they have one goal in mind: to survive.
I love the fact that the characters did not utter any word in the cold open. Everything happened fast and in just a few minutes, we saw how they lived when they left the Farm.
As mentioned above, the characters are all fighting for survival. No one tries to be a weakling, and they all kill these walkers that stand on their way. Furthermore, the episode did not lack the typical TWD spices: unnerving and dark spine-chilling places, hundreds of walkers, gross yet satisfying killing and fight sequences, and the amazing improvements in the character development. Rick is, without a doubt, the leader of the group and everyone follows to his commands.
Another awesome thing in this episode is that the characters are not afraid of the walkers anymore - well, compare to how they reacted before. They just fight, kill, fight, kill, fight and kill as if defeating walkers has become a part of their ordinary lives. Furthermore, their dirty and slimy faces and skin show how difficult it is to thrive in the woods while fighting off zombies.
Aside from the sequences of the main group, we were also able to see how Michonne and Andrea survive. If you can remember from last season's finale, Andrea was helped by a hooded woman from the walkers after she was left out by her group. Nothing much happened between them except that the writers focused on their budding friendship.
As the main group finds a perfect solace for them (also for Lori to give birth), they found the Prison -which would be the main setting of this season. If we thought that we've seen enough, we're wrong. As Hershel became the first death (?) of the season. Hershel got bitten through the end of the hour. It was surprising and it made me scream. When Rick tried to save him by cutting of Hershel's bitten leg, without any hesitation and due to desperation, it was gruesome and disgusting. And plain sad.
The episode ended with some peculiar bystanders who saw our team in the prison... "holy shit!" that what's they said when they saw Daryl and company... and that's what we said too.
Overall, I'll give Seed a rating of... 10/10! PERFECT!
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