After a few months of waiting, TVD is finally back!
And it was good. The wait is totally worth it.
Let's do a quick recap shall we?
Elena is now a vampire thanks to Dr. Pretty Little Liars, Klaus took Tyler's body, Damon is still in cahoots on Elena's decision that she chose Stefan... well, I guess that's pretty it.
So, what happened here?
- Elena is still in the transition face with the help of her true love Stefan
- Damon grieves because Elena is now a vampire, and blames Matt for it.
- The Council, thanks to Alaric (RIP), went commando to all vampires in Mystic Falls by putting them in captive. For some reason, they only got Caroline, Rebecca, Stefan, and Elena.
- Klaus, who is in Tyler's body, forces Bonnie to bring him back on his original English bod.
- Bonnie and Jeremy find a way to make Elena human again. But, they failed since doing so is taboo to dark magic, or something like that.
- Also, Elena remembered everything that Damon did/told her before. But our damsel in distress still chose Stefan (yey!)
I have always wanted to see Elena as a vampire. Eventhough we have seen Nina Dobrev as a vamp before when she played Katherine, it's still different and cool. I love this scene when a tear fell from Elena's eyes when she tasted her very first blood. You can feel the guilt and the extreme desire from Elena on that scene. Well done, Nina.
Also, Growing Pains introduced us to some new arcs we might encounter this season. One thing is The Other Side of the witches' world, the Council is the beginning of something - according to pastor Young, the hate between Klaus and Rebekkah, and of course, the never ending love triangle of Elena-Stefan-Damon.
The writers obviously injected every hanging question from last season and immediately gave them some answers. Nevertheless, they, as i mentioned above, opened more doors for new storylines. So many things happened in here that its' quite difficult to comprehend and fully appreciate all the details. But still, the premiere episode was still outstanding and as exciting as ever.
PS. Did I mention that I am a big STELENA fan? STELENA forever!
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