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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Top 5 Most Favorite TV Series

I've been a TV buff since I was in grade school. I  have seen more than 70 TV shows in my life and I do not regret spending a lot of my time watching these. Of course, in this 70, I included those shows which got cancelled early or those which I just decided not to watch anymore.

Since I am bored, I decided to share to you my Top 5 Most Favorite TV Series. It is unbelievably hard to choose my top 5, but nah.. who cares.

1. FRIENDS (1994-2004)

Without a doubt, BEST TV SHOW/SITCOM EVER. I've seen all 236 episodes more than 10 times. I will never get tired of this show and every episode is such a gem for me. I love FRIENDS so much, it kills me that I was only 2 years old when it premiered on 1994. 

2. BREAKING BAD (2008 - Present)

TV Critics say that this is the best television series ever. And who am I to disagree? In terms of excitement, character development, plot growth, and top notch actors, Breaking Bad wins it all. Everything about the show is perfect, from the conventional characters to the exhilarating plot, and from the realistic backdrop to the jaw dropping cinematography. Walt White - the antagonist slash protagonist - is probably the most realistic and complex television character ever. If you haven't seen this yet, YOU ARE MISSING THE BEST THING THAT TELEVISION CAN OFFER US.

3. COMMUNITY (2009 - Present)

Just like FRIENDS, I will never get tired watching this show. It's funny, poignant, and imaginative. One of the best comedies ever created. However, I wish it receives the attention it deserves because apparently, people in America do not watch Community that much.

4. LOST (2004-2010)

When we discuss about the television of the 21st Century, it's impossible not to include Lost in it. The show had redefined the whole television industry by increasing the thin line between quality television to the trashy ones. Lost was such a huge hit that many people all over the world were mesmerized by how complicated and how menacingly addicting the show was. The writers did a perfect job on balancing the forces of evil and good, and science and faith, during the course of the show by introducing us to a couple of amazing characters. The interwoven plot, the mind bogging questions, and the exquisite relationship between the ensemble definitely makes Lost one for the keeps.

5. HOUSE (2004-2012)

When I started watching House a couple of years ago, I found it offsetting and very complicated. However, I did not realize at first that as I continued watching the show, I fell in love with all the characters in it. Greg House - played by the amazing Hugh Laurie - is probably the best character on American television history. He has something that a good lead character should have: flaws. Throughout the series, we saw his development as he tried to cope up with the fast transgression of his personal and professional life. He was faced with different challenges - physically, mentally, and emotionally - which test his capabilities as a doctor and as a human being. The character (and the show) was so well written that I can't help but to agonize everytime there are episodes which offer a huge look inside House's brain. Such an amazing series!

There you go! There are a number of shows out there which might be better than these, but for me, these five series take the spotlight of fame for me.

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