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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

It isn't democracy anymore, it's Ricktatorship

Last Sunday, AMC's The Walking Dead concluded its successful second season... with a few deaths, hundreds of zombies, and a spice of what may happen next season.

The finale episode started where the penultimate ended - Shane's death. Rick, because of the provocation and evil accuses by Shane, killed him before the latter shoots Rick. But, as Rick laments over the death of his "best friend", Shane became a Walker. Yes, I asked the same question. Why? Wh-what happened? He wasn't bitten? Well, that question will be answered later. Anyway, the annoying son Carl suddenly appeared out of nowhere (seriously Lori. What the fuck. It's the apocalypse and you let your kid go anywhere alone) and shot the zombie/Shane before it bites his dad..  

Apparently, walkers heard the gunshot and followed the sound. And then... they finally saw the farm! Maybe you're wondering why there aren't that much walkers for season 2. Well, the producers put hundreds and hundreds of Walkers in the finale. I mean, a LOT.

So, the gang tried to escape. I'm not gonna go to the details but Patricia and Phillip died. Yes, who are they? The blonde mom and the blonde guy. Yup. Nobody from the original group died from that killing spree. Ehem, T-dog, ehem.

Anyways, things happened and when they finally escaped, they all met at the highway (from episode 1 of s2). BUT, Andrea got lost and ran alone into the woods while being chased by Walkers. When her strenght and energy is almost gone, a walker attacked her - but BAM! A hooded person slashed that walker into pieces. 

Back to the group. Rick told Lori the truth that he killed Shane. Weirdly enough, Lori got mad and was shocked. Why bitch, why?! Just a few episodes ago, you are somewhat implying to Rick to kill Shane! Fuckin' bitch.         Furthermore, Daryl told the group that Randall became a Walker but without any bite. So, Rick finally told them what Jenner from CDC whispered to him in the finale of season 1: They are all infected. Yes. THEY are the walking dead. If they die, in any means, they will be a zombie. Some people, like Carol, was shook by this news so they started to doubt Rick's leadership. Rick, thereafter, received this notion from the others, so he decided to instigate authoritarianism in the gang.

He, and only he, is the leader. No buts. Rules are rules. It's Ricktatorship, y'all. 

Rick: One thing is clear. If you stay, it isn't democracy anymore

The last scene was a pan shot of a huge building. Something like a.. prison.

Now for the review part:

I personally loved the final episode. Although season 2 of TWD has been.. kinda' weird because of the stupid decisions of the characters and the somewhat illogical storyline of the series, the season finale definitely justified the season. The deaths are unnecessary since those who died are not important characters anyway. It would probably be more horrifying and sad if a major character died.  

The destruction of the barn is a major development in the plot. It showed that the 'barn plot' is already over. It's time to move on to a new arc. 

Furthermore, Andrea getting lost and followed by Walkers is quite funny for me. She deserves it anyway for being a psycho bitch. But the introduction of the new "character" definitely gave me goosebumps. If you are familiar with the comics series, you already know who is this hooded-samurai-using-badass. Just after the episode, the creators of The Walking Dead announced that Danai Gurira willl play Michonne -  a black woman who uses samurai and other japanese martial arts as a weapon! 

Moreover, Rick's decision to be the ONLY leader is another major and excellent development in his story and the story of the group. Although Hershell seems to be the only one who likes it, the gang definitely got scared by this. 

As mentioned above, the last scene was of a huge building that looks like a prison. Then again, if you are familiar with the comics, you already know what this is - The Prison, or where-all-hell-breaks-loose-house.
The huge and scary building, with additional TWD theme as the background music, surely helped in enticing me a lot for season 3. 

The Prison will be so different from the farm. Now that Rick is THE leader, they will meet in that place a new set of people with their own leader - The Governor. Those two, alongside with the rest of the hungry-for-safety characters, would battle each other out for the rest of the third season.

The difference between the s1 finale and the s2 finale is that in the latter, we already have an idea where the next season will go (The Prison; Michonne). But in s1, it left us with this curiosity and questions of where would this show go? Are they going to follow the comics? If so, is the farm will be their next destination? 

Overall, the second season of The Walking Dead was much better that the first one. The character development is outstanding, the depth of each characters, the exciting and heart stopping plot, and the unexpected twists and surprises are far better than its predecessor. 

On Fall 2012, let's all gear up for a better and more exciting Season 3.

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