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Sunday, May 6, 2012

TVD "Before Sunset" 3x21 Episode Recap in PHOTOS

WARNING: Contains Spoilers! 
This post contains my recap of The Vampire Diaries "Before Sunset" episode...

So, Caroline and Rebecca went to school the morning after their 20s ball. But
they did not know that the evil vampire-killing Alaric is just waiting inside the school.

2 vampires are better than one!
Rebecca was able to escape, but Alaric caught sweet Caroline.

Damon brought our black bitch to the gang's headquarters to share what happened in the cemetery.

Meanwhile, Rebecca urged his brutha' Klaus to leave Mystic Falls for good. 
But Klaus said yes, if he can get Elena (doppleganger blood shit to make hybrids).
Caroline was devastated by this so she decided to leave alone....
BAD MOVE KLAUS. Wait and see...

Klaus went to Elena's house to get.. well, Elena. 

Since he didn't get what he want, he threw things into the house!

Alaric called Elena to help her friend Caroline. 
Stupid stupid stupid.

When they found out that their damsel is in distress again, Bonnie thought of a bright idea to save her
from the hands of evil Alaric.

Alaric persuaded Elena to be like him since she is also a Gilbert and this is her destiny - killing vampires, not sleeping with them.

Last move by Klaus, he asked Stefan to join him in his departure.

Bonnie's mama told the gang that to kill Alaric (to undo the spell he got), one life must also end. 
Jeremy has the ring which makes him invincible, so, with Bonnie's witch powers, they will do this undo-spell.

Just in time, Damon, Stefan and Klaus went to the school to save Elena.
There, they fought Alaric.

To kill Alaric, any of the gang must hold his heart. But of course, this plan failed so Bonnie's attempt to use her witch powers did not succeed.

Suddenly, Elena realized what Ester did. Elena is Alaric's life line so the latter will not be immortal. If Elena dies, Alaric dies too.
Caroline was able to escape.
But Elena was captured by Klaus.

But, Stefan and Damon are too fast. They went to Klaus' house to save Elena.
AND THEN, they decided to use Bonnie's killing spell on Klaus instead.

Sad that Klaus died :(
(Tyler did not die because the sire has been broken)

Now that Klaus is dead, all is well... for the meantime.

 Elena said that she can't choose because she doesn't want to lose them both.

To enjoy a Klaus-free town, the underage teens celebrated!

Alaric's move is to head the council.
He announced that 2 of their members are parents of supernatural shits (Caroline's mom and Tyler's mom)

The episode ended with Elena collapsing.
I THINK, this is the first step of being a vampire.
Ooooh. So Klaus' did something....


1. Is Elena going to be a vampire? I THINK SO.
2. Where the eff is Rebecca when you need her?!
3. Is is just me, or how I wished Tyler died too.
4. I hope Klaus will come back :(
5. Stefan? or Damon?

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